All students in the COA will participate in chamber orchestra, sectional learning, master classes, and a variety of performance opportunities. In addition, students may opt to take courses in music theory, aural skills, and piano proficiency for a nominal additional fee.
Chamber Orchestra
Sectional Learning
Master Classes
Performance Opportunities
Consisting of violins, violas, cellos, and basses, chamber orchestra offers a wonderful opportunity for students to perform and collaborate with each other. They learn how their part fits in with the rest of the ensemble. Led by a professional conductor, students in this ensemble will communicate with one another through music in ways they have never done before!
In sectional learning, students practice with other students who play the same instrument. These practice sessions focus on tackling difficult sections in the music that is being rehearsed in chamber orchestra rehearsals. Violin/viola students will work with an instructor, and cello/bass students will work with a different instructor. Pianists will be taught by a piano instructor.
Master classes give students an opportunity to perform in front of their peers on a monthly basis. Students get the experience of performing music they have been rehearsing, and their peers practice their active listening skills.
The COA schedules a number of concerts throughout the year. We also host several opportunities for students to perform solos, duets, trios, and quartets.
Courses in music theory, aural skills, and piano proficiency prepare students for a major or minor in music. These courses are aimed at high-school students who are college bound; however, students as early as sixth grade may enroll. For more information, email Dr. Jean Hellner at community.orchestra.academy.com.